Wildlife Division

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CTFW staff ensure that wildlife populations are maintained on the Colville Indian Reservation and North Half, to meet the cultural and subsistence needs of the membership by maintaining healthy, self-sustaining game and non-game populations. 

The division contributes towards population recovery of Federally-Threatened and Endangered species, and other priority species that occur within the boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation. 

Wildlife Mitigation

The Wildlife Mitigation staff primarily works on the “Hellgate Big Game Winter Range Project”, which is a BPA funded project that focuses on the operations, maintenance, and enhancement of over 62,000 acres of land, on 18 Wildlife Area’s that lie within the boundaries of the Reservation.  The Mitigation Project focuses on the management of lands on the west half of the Reservation (Okanogan County) and half focused on the east lands, primarily within the Hellgate Game Reserve (Ferry County).  Crews spend a significant amount of time constructing new property boundary fences, repairing existing boundary fences, removing interior fences, noxious and invasive weed control, removing trespass livestock and feral horses.

Hound Hunting, Trapping & Game Reserve Predator Permits PDF
Colville Tribes Special Hunt Tag Holders PDF
Gray Wolf Plan PDF
Lead Bullets and Wildlife PDF

Special Hunt Application Information for 2020 PDF