Northern Pike Reward Program Information
Anglers, we still need your help to reduce the number of northern pike in Lake Roosevelt. When you participate in the Northern Pike Reward Program, you can get paid $10 for every pike head turned in. You can drop off your pike heads at Noisy Waters Gas Station, Kettle Falls boat launch, Hunters boat launch, Fort Spokane boat launch, and at the Inchelium Fish and Wildlife office. Good luck!
Pike reward poster PDF
Pike reward program rules PDF
Pike drop-off locations/map PDF
Pike fish head removal instructions PDF
Northern Pike Rapid Response Plan for the Columbia River Between Priest Rapids and Chief Joseph dams and the Okanogan River PDF
Program Pays Anglers for Catching Northern Pike in Lake Roosevelt PDF
Fish, eat and profit! Program pays anglers to turn in pike heads caught in Lake Roosevelt: KHQ News Link
Anglers asked to catch Northern Pike in Lake Roosevelt for reward: Krem 2 News Link
LR Northern Pike Suppression and Monitoring Plan 2018-2022 PDF
Podcast to Northwestern Outdoors Radio Show - Feb 05, 2023 edition Link
This is what our drop off stations look like.