Okanogan Basin Monitoring And Evaluation Program (OBMEP)

The Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program (OBMEP) is a monitoring program created in 2004 within the Confederated Colville Tribes' Fish and Wildlife Department and is funded primarily by the Bonneville Power Administration through the Columbia Basin Fish Accords. OBMEP collects long-term data on salmon and summer steelhead and respective habitats in the Okanogan River Basin, including the Canadian portion.

OBMEP has created an interactive webpage to display and share the data that has been collected over the years. All of OBMEP's reports and data links are presented on http://www.okanoganmonitoring.org which allows data to be queried, displayed in graphs and tables and downloaded. A username and password is required to query the data but anyone can easily create a login. 

Our most recent reports are available here:

Annual Report 2023 PDF
Steelhead Spawning Survey 2023 PDF
2015 Steelhead Habitat Status and Trend Report for 2013 Monitoring PDF
2015 Chinook Habitat Status and Trend Reportcards for 2013 Monitoring PDF


If you have any specific data requests please contact Ryan Klett or John Arterburn.

You can contact our office at:

Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife Department
25B Mission Road
Omak, WA98841
Phone:  509-422-7529
Fax:  509-422-7443