Anadromous Fish Division

The Anadromous Fish Division provides ceremonial and subsistence fisheries for the Colville tribal membership. Historically, anadromous fish (salmon and steelhead) were the principal subsistence fishery and are still revered with the tribes' current cultural and traditional beliefs. Chief Joseph Hatchery was recently constructed to increase and restore the salmon species lost by the hydro-electric projects.  

Upper Columbia River steelhead were listed as “endangered” under the ESA in 1997 and were subsequently re-classified as “threatened” in 2009. The Fish Accords include several projects specifically intended to increase Okanogan River steelhead survival by improving and protecting steelhead habitat quality and quantity and increasing instream flow. Specifically, the Fish Accords provide BPA funding for Colville Tribes’ acquisition of land and water to address factors limiting steelhead recovery. Through a variety of actions including habitat improvement and protection, CTFW’s ultimate goal for Okanogan steelhead is recovery and de-listing from the ESA.
CTFW’s land and water acquisitions are based on willing-seller willing-buyer transactions. After acquiring a habitat property, CTFW is committed to long-term stewardship to protect and enhance its habitat qualities. Stewardship activities may include facilitating access to quality habitat, improving instream flow, re-establishing or protecting native riparian vegetation through fencing and planting, reconnecting off-channel habitat, or floodplain reactivation. Where consistent with habitat protection, CTFW may lease property to individuals for continued agricultural uses, e.g. dryland hay production or grazing, while protecting habitat vital to steelhead recovery. Any revenue generated from the leased property acquired with BPA funding must be used for costs incidental to property ownership such as property taxes, weed and fire control, or other property maintenance activities.